REACT Live Fire Self Defense Class

The REACT Live Fire Self Defense Class is a one of a kind training event. Shooters maneuver through 3 stages of walls, corners, and shoot or no shoot targets allowing them to test their decision making skills in a timed situation simulating stress from a real event. By mixing aspects of the action shooting sports with self defense situations, shooters can move through the courses in a realistic live fire environment while engaging static and activating moving targets. If you want to test and improve your fundamental self defense skills in a real world setting this is the class. If you are on a church safety team, a commissioned school security officer, have a concealed carry license or own a gun for home self defense this class should be at the top of your list to attend.
Our REACT class is open to all shooters with good pistol or carbine shooting fundamentals, including safety knowledge. You don’t have to be an expert shooter to take this course. It is designed to improve the mental decision making skills and real world shooting abilities of everyday people that conceal carry or want to protect their family and home. Most people never have the opportunity to test their ability to move with a loaded gun and engage multiple targets in different locations while moving in & out of cover.
Students do not need special gear as the REACT Live Fire Self Defense Class is designed to utilize everyday carry or duty gear with enough magazines to have 24 rounds loaded for each stage. While we suggest using your daily carry gun and clothing, any pistol, PCC, AR-15 or 22 is allowed. Some shooters even bring their body armor to gain experience and see how body armor affects their movement and shooting. Each time we run the class, it utilizes different scenarios so you can take it multiple times and not shoot the same stages. There’s no better way to see what shooting and decision making skills you need to work on while having a blast shooting in this class. Hands down, students find this to be our most exhilarating class offered. We recommend taking this class at least once a year and before or right after our Arkansas Concealed Carry License Class.
Independence Firearms and Training Range at 305 Circle Dr, Cord, AR 72524
Our facility is very close to the town of Cord. By the 3-way stop off Hwy 25 where the Country Crossroad convenience store is located, it’s about a quarter-mile west of the junction. From Hwy 25 (White Dr), turn onto Circle Drive until you see our sign on the north side of the road. Enter through the red gate and follow the gravel road until you see another sign for the Range and Classes.
The REACT Live Fire Self Defense Class will be on the range. When the road splits, stay to the left, and it will take you directly to our range.
Shooters should possess good pistol shooting fundamentals, including safety knowledge, proper grip, and move safely through the course with your handgun.
- Handgun, PCC, AR-15 or 22
- 75 Rounds of ammunition
- Enough magazines to have 24 rounds of ammunition loaded at 1 time
- A holster and mag pouches are is not required but are recommended. If you do not have a holster bring a bag/case for your pistol. If shooting an AR-15 or PCC, it needs to have a bag to cover the barrel and trigger guard.
- Eye and ear protection
- Hydration and snacks
Course Topics:
- Class overview, safety instructions, and rules
- Equipment safety check
- 3 Shooting stages with 12-24 rounds per stage
- Review of results with personalized training suggestions from the instructor
Weather and the Class:
This class is dependent on the weather as there are many color paper targets used. We can run the class with light rain but if there’s a significant amount of rain forecasted the class will be rescheduled. Dress appropriately for the weather (hot or cold).
Upcoming Pistol and Self-Defense Classes